8" x 10" Gouache and ink on Rieves BFK
Fun to do some .005 micron work:) |
Portrait of author, funny-man, and super nice fella
Lucas Klauss. My lovely sister-in-law commissioned the piece to commemorate Lucas' first novel -
Everything You Need To Survive The Apocalypse, which you should buy. I had a good time splicing together some facts from Lucas' personal life: his childhood cats - Johnson and Johnson, harmonica enthusiasm, his love of killing white things (watch out honkies!), and of course his amazing knowledge pertaining to when it is, and when it is not
sweater time. Jealous of his success? As well you should be, but you should know, success lives in his hometown in Gwinett County, Georgia - a county so great it has moved beyond the need for punctuation. Gwinett is great. Period. So no period. Congrats Lucas, and hope you like it.