Monday, December 31, 2012

Sneak Peak!!

Nice piece about the Star Wars maps for the upcoming show with Bennett Slater Jan 5th at G1988 Melrose!  You can get a look at the whole finished SW trilogy for the first time . . . :)


  1. Man.. I would love to get ahold of those star wars and indy prints.. please update with when/if they are available! I have an indiana jones collection that sorely needs those incredible maps! :)

  2. Excellent work.

    One issue, I guess. I found your work referenced by
    Design Taxi

    But the link they posted is

    And that doesn't seem to be your blog...

  3. Thanks for the heads up - figured it out - it's a little temporary blog created by the gallery so they can put up some larger versions without slowing down their site.
